The second post in the series – soldering the motors to the ESCs and finishing up the dirty frame. (more…)
Author: Stephen

Quadcopter Build – The Beginnings…
After doing a lot of research I’d come to the conclusion I wanted a quadcopter that was small enough to be fun and fast, but large enough to carry an HD camera for long enough to get some nice footage. (more…)
Photospheres from Morocco
The hotel’s pool area:
The terrace bar:
The crazy enormous shower room:
Photospheres from Mumbai
Front door of the office…
View from the car park…
…and for contrast, the shiny new Terminal 2. An airport with no newsagents.

HTTPS Everywhere
I’ve heard the slogan a bunch of times and just never really got around to it. I saw Reset The Net and others but after watching a Google IO video that covered it really well I decided to SSL up my sites. Here’s the super quick rundown… it really wasn’t as hard as I’d feared. (more…)